All works in progress will be available soon at the
Sanderosa Art Gallery
3101 Kintzley Ct Unit R, Laporte, CO 80535
Please contact me if you want to purchase sooner.
Snapping Sea Turtle

This painting is made using ink on wood canvas. I like the effects on this wood grains but ink is not easy to work with as far as trying to limit the saturation application on the wood. I still prefer using acrylic paint to apply layers to give the effects of woodgrains being translucent. It will be available for viewing at Sanderosa Art Gallery when finished.
Turtle on the beach
This piece was finalized and was sold during my last event.
Is it finished? I wish I knew. This piece will be on my drafting table near my bed until it tells me more.
Horses On The Range
This live bark tree is the largest painting I have ever painted.
4′ 9″ x 10″ Surprising weight is only 7 lbs. 14oz.